Indoor UAV
Indoor Positioning concept
The indoor localization system is essential since the Global Positioning System cannot give an accurate position indoors, especially when several floor plans are considered. Wi-Fi received signal strength becomes an alternative indicator for indoor localization systems. The experiment proposed a localization system created by integrating and working between the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm and the D*algorithm. The result illustrates the optimal path from the start point to the target point by avoiding the obstacle performing exceptionally well. The K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm provide the result for localization with Root Mean Square Errors of displacement at 1.190 meters, 2.491 meters, and 1.363 meters of X-Axis Y-Axis, respectively. The proposed indoor localization system can have various applications considering different environmental factors in different applications, such as the size of unmanned aerial vehicles when applying indoor unmanned aerial vehicles.
Cooperative Motion Planning for Multiple UAVs concept
Multiple motion planning plays an essential role in several vehicle motions. This paper proposes a cooperative method between the Line of Sight techniques and the Bézier curve, applying this to motion planning for unmanned aerial vehicles. The experiment is implemented using the AirSim plugin on Unreal Engine 4. The results of the proposed method are compared with those for the conventional Line of Sight techniques to control multiple unmanned aerial vehicles. The results illustrate that the proposed method takes more time to process than the conventional one. However, the proposed method can reach a higher performance by addressing the target unmanned aerial vehicles and the pre-defining path more than the conventional method does, which is shown in all three simulation cases.
Research output
(Q1,under review) Hematulin, W.; Kamsing, P.; Torteeka, P.; Somjit, T.; Phisannupawong, T.; Jarawan, T.; Autonomous Cooperative UAV Trajectory Planning during Close-range Rendezvous Operation. Sensors
T. Jarawan et al., “Wi-Fi Received Signal Strength-based Indoor Localization System Using K-Nearest Neighbors fingerprint integrated D*algorithm,” 2021 23rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2021, pp. 242-247, doi: 10.23919/ICACT51234.2021.9370734.
W. Hematulin, P. Kamsing, P. Torteeka, T. Somjit, T. Phisannupawong and T. Jarawan, “Cooperative Motion Planning for Multiple UAVs via the Bézier Curve Guided Line of Sight Techniques,” 2021 23rd International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 2021, pp. 230-236, doi: 10.23919/ICACT51234.2021.9370684.
Research status
Seeking cooperate partner and team for research indoor UAV (such as warehouse, building)